Megan Clark, CPECP
Meet Your Mentor
Hi! I'm Megan, and I'm so thankful you are here today. Whether you are looking for healing from physical or emotional pain, ready to find a healthy lifestyle that makes you feel amazing in your own body, or hoping to finally tear down the blocks that prevent you from reaching your life and business goals, I'm here to walk the path with you.
I believe as humans we are multi-faceted beings, and we must address our issues from all sides: Physical, Mental, and Emotional/Spiritual. My primary goal is always to work at removing the ROOT of your issues. We aren't here to find "coping" strategies or to merely slap band-aids on symptoms. My approach is holistic and client led, utilizing a toolkit of therapies that meet the needs of the individual. Services may include herbal/supplement support, lifestyle changes, as well as mentoring and Emotion/Body code work. In my experience this is the fastest approach to healing and moving forward towards success. It allows us to pinpoint the things that are holding you back so that forward progress can continue.
CECP - Traditional Herbalist - Mentor
I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner through the Discover Healing Institute. I hold certifications in Psychology, Coaching, and Alternative Therapies through the Shaw Institute. I've also completed a two-year course in Traditional Herbalism through the Four Elements School of traditional medicine. I am currently finalizing my courses in Western/Clinical herbalism through the same school.
If you’d like to know more, please book a session with me today. Welcome to the start of the rest of your life!
My Specialties Include:
Emotion Code (Body Code services coming soon)
Health balancing and weight loss
Herbal based support
Business and Goal Coaching
Spiritual coaching and support
Supporting Client Issues:
Anxiety and Depression
Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
Removing Emotional Blockages
Support for Chronic Pain/Inflammation
Pregnancy/Birth/Postpartum support
Diastasis Recti Awareness and Healing
And more!